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The ever continuing popularity of social media networks like Youtube and Facebook has led to the birth of a new way to promote online businesses, and that is through video marketing. If you want to join in on all the fun and use video as a marketing tool to tell the whole world about your business then here are a couple of tips that you should keep in mind.

Post your videos anywhere possible

For a long time, Youtube has always been the predominant social network when it came to video marketing, but that is not the only one. You can also share videos on Facebook, Multiply, Twitter, and most of the other social networks out there, so to increase the chances of someone stumbling on your video you should also upload your clip to other networks as well, you should also include a small text snippet explaining the video either above or below the video window.

So remember, the more websites your video can be seen in, the better it will be for you.

Get help from professionals

If you do not have any expertise when it comes to creating good marketing videos, then it would be better to hire a professional company to make the video for you. Of course you need to pay a pretty penny for the service but you will get the assurance that the video is properly made and that it gets uploaded in the proper channels.

When choosing video marketing services you should first ask for a sample of their works, and if possible, get in touch with some of their past clients and ask them about the kind of service they received from said company.

Give some sort of prize

Everyone likes joining in contests, so why not make a video that not only promotes your company but will also serve as a medium for the contest you are throwing. You can insert a random object within the video and ask the viewers to send in exactly when the said object appears in the video.

As for prizes, you need to spend a bit on this one. Make the prize something worth playing for, like a digital camera or a simple smartphone, by giving away rather large prize like these you will get a lot more people interested in your video. Just think of the prizes as an investment for your business, you will find that the increase in the number of visitors in your website will more than make up for the cost of the prizes.

These are just some of the many video marketing tips you would do well to remember if you want your online business to prosper. And also keep in mind that video marketing does not promise you hundreds of thousands of hits after just a couple of days implementation, just like other marketing methods, video marketing demands a lot of your time and a considerable amount of effort before you can get positive results. But if you do take the time to do things properly you will find that all the work you put into it will be very much worth it.

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